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Indivisible Central NJ Announces Sponsorship for The Women's March on New Jersey

Paul Nadler, Steering Committee Member

Indivisible Central NJ is proud to be a sponsor of The Women's March on New Jersey, to be held on January 20, 2018 in Morristown. We stand together with other progressive groups throughout the Garden State in resisting the policies of the current federal administration.

Why Morristown? Because change starts locally: The Women's March on New Jersey was initiated by local activists who saw in Morristown a growing, vibrant community rich with grassroots organizations advocating for fair and responsive representation in government. Organizations from across the state joined in to demonstrate the power we have to enact change across New Jersey in 2018.

By marching in Morristown rather than Trenton, we'll remind citizens across our state of their pototential to change their government for the better. Morristown is part of New Jersey’s 11th Congressional District (Rep. Frelinghuysen’s district) and is near the 7th (Rep. Lance’s district) - both these congressmen vote with the Trump/Pence administration over 90% of the time.

We are working on car pooling and other ride share options for this event. If you are unable to attend in Morristown, you can join sister Marches in NYC and Philadelphia; a group will be traveling together to NYC and we will share those details on our page for those who are interested.

Additional details for the Morristown event can be found here -

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